NXI-4101-32 Abiadura Handiko I/O modulua
NXI-4101-32 is a 32-channel programmable high-speed digital IO module that supports CMOS electric level(3.3V/5V optional), the input/output direction of channel can be configured flexibly. NXI-4101-32 supports dry/wet contact input and various functions such as PWM output, pulse measurement, counter/timer,etc. NXI-4101-32 can be widely used in high-speed digital signal detection, measurement and transmission control in industrial control, intelligent manufacturing and other scene.
Ezaugarri nagusiak
●Single module with 32 channels, digital input and output
●Input/output direction optional configuration for 24 digital I/O channels
●Support CMOS electric level, 3.3V/5V optional
●Support wet contact and dry contact input
●Synchronous channel input/output,synchronous time tolerance: 1.25ns
●Support PWM output, and the measurement of pulse frequency, period and pulse width
●Support Timer/counter and interrupt handling
●Modulu bakarra zirrikitu bakarrarekin, NXI-F1000 xasisari edo erabilera independenteari aplikagarria
●12V-ko laguntza DC energia hornidura sarrera, LAN komunikazioa banakako kontrolerako
Aplikazio eremuak
●Automotive ECU Testing
●Electronic Device Controller
●Ekoizpen Elektronikoaren Saiakuntzak
●Integrated Test System