NXI-F1030 zirrikitu anitzeko NXI Neurketa eta Kontrol Sistemaren Xasisa
NXI-F1030 is a measurement and control system chassis based on NXI architecture (Network eXtension Interface), it adopts Gigabit LAN interface with high bandwidth, low cost, high real-time, no master-slave limitation and other advantages. With NGI family design, NXI-F1030 supports 1 master control module+8 functional module, nine 4HP slots are fitted on the 19 inch width and 2U height chassis, which is widely used in multi-channel high integration density test and automated test and measurement applications.
Ezaugarri nagusiak
●Electrical isolation among 9 slots
●Modulu estandarraren diseinua, konbinazio arbitrarioa onartu
●High throughput rate with bandwidth up to 2Gbps
●Support synchronous triggering, enabling synchronous control of multiple modules
●Programatzeko erraza Ethernet protokolo estandarretan oinarrituta
●Potentzia 500W-ra arte kargatuta, ez da kanpoko elikadura-iturririk behar
●Aurrealdeko eta atzeko rack muntatzea onartzen du hainbat aplikazio-eszenatoki betetzeko
●Tenperatura kontrolatzeko haizagailu adimenduna, zarata txikiagoa
●Standard 19-inch width and 2U height chassis,easy to rack mounting
Funtzioak eta abantailak
Produktuen dimentsioa